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NodeJS or JavaScript runs under the hood of gtop. The tool itself has monitoring for CPU usage, memory and swap history. Once as a graph and once as a diagram right next to it. It shows the amount of data you have received and the speed in the network, the active processes including PID and last but not least your memory usage in percent. gtop can be run under:
The only requirement is Node.js version 4 or higher.


$ npm install gtop -g


$ gtop

to exit gtop use q or ctrl+c

You can also sort processes p - (sorted by PID)
c - (sorted by CPU usage)
m - (sorted by memory usage)
  Link: https://github.com/aksakalli/gtop ======


vtop_screenshot vtop is a bit more spartan than gtop. It displays CPU usage and memory usage as graphs and a list of processes. vtop can be run under:
Again, the only requirement is Node.js version 4 or higher.


$ npm install -g vtop


$ vtop

To exit vtop use: ctrl+c

There are also shortcuts for vtop that you can use: u (Update)
k / Up arrow (Scroll through process list)
j / Down arrow (Scroll through process list)
h / Left arrow (Zoom in on graphs)
l / Right arrow (Zoom out of graphs)
g (to the beginning of the process list)
G (to the end of the process list)
dd (kills all processes in the group)

Link: https://github.com/MrRio/vtop ======


gotop_screenshot Last but not least, my current favorite among the "simple" monitoring tools: gotop. Based on and inspired by the first two, you get significantly more information about your system here. Here you get the CPU load per processor core, main and swap usage, the temperatures of various modules, TX and RX of your network connection, the process list and the memory usage of your hard drives. In other words, an all-round carefree monitor. Gotop was written in GO, unlike the other two. gotop runs on the following systems:


Source shell
go get GitHub.com/cjbassi/gotop
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/cjbassi/gotop /tmp/gotop /tmp/gotop/scripts/download.sh

Of course there are also shortcuts: Quit q / ctrl+c (Exit)

Process Navigation
k / Up Arrow (up)
j / Down Arrow (down)
ctrl+u (Half Page Up)
ctrl+d (Half Page Down)
ctrl+b (Full Page Up)
ctrl+f (Full Page Down)
gg (first process)
G (last process)

Process Actions
Tab (Changes process listing)
dd (kills the process or group)
c (by CPU)
m (by Memory)
p (by PID)

Graphen Options
h (zoom in)
l (zoom out)

Link: https://github.com/cjbassi/gotop
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