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[POD] | [20220715] | [0] | [0x17]

Frank from Teleprost had the idea (was it your Frank?) to post a podcast a day that people like to listen to. Since I now listen to 8 hours of podcasts every day and mostly really like them, I thought I'd join in. This might bring the podcasts you like a few new listeners and that in turn makes the podcasters happy and I've also wanted a podcast list on the NERDBUDE for a long time. The whole thing was on Mastodon but so that it doesn't disappear, I'm putting the complete list of all 50 podcasts in the NERDBUDE here. The list is unsorted and the position of the podcasts in the list does not have the character of a ranking. Here you go - subscribe and listen. You can either download the OPML file with all podcasts or you can subscribe to the individual podcasts from the list:

Teleprost [Filme]
Chaosradio [Technik]
Track26 [Neon Genesis Evangelion]
Once more, with feeling [Buffy rewatch]
Hack the Planet [Technik]
The Board [Technik]
Devil & Demons [Horrorfilme]
Man nerdet nie aus [Misc]
Minutenweise Matrix [Film]
CRE [Wissen]
Podlovers [Podlove Dev]
Zahlensender [???]
Secta [Sekten]
Ende mit Schrecken [Internet-Horror]
Where is the light? [Millenium]
Segfault FM [IT Security]
Ready for review [IT]
Zentonic [Nerdkram]
Saal 101 [Doku]
Request for comments [IT]
Duumvirat [Technik]
Alternativlos [23]
Philoscifi [Sci-Fi]
Das Hannibal Netzwerk [Doku]
Stay forever [Retro Games]
BRD Noir 1980 [Doku]
Hoaxzilla [Aufklärung]
The Thocc [Keyboards]
Darknet Diaries [Hacker Storys]
Sendegarten [Podcasts]
Audio:viel [Podcasts]
Datenkanal [IT]
Radio (In)Security [IT security]
Wartungsfenster [IT Administration]
Command Line Heroes [IT History]
WRINT [Holgi]
Percepticon [IT]
Deso - der Rapper der zum IS ging [Doku]
Herzbergs Hörsaal [IT]
Die Jagd [Doku]
Breitscheidplatz [Doku]
Wo wir sind ist vorne. [Dev]
Sience S*heroes [Sience]
Shibuya [Podcasts]
Rechter Terror [Doku]
Chaos Siegen [IT]
Null Uhr Eins [Horror]
Das Leben danach [Doku]
NDR Organisiertes Verbrechen [Doku]
Pentaradio [IT]

Have fun with it!
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