Wow! At the weekend, the wonderful
REVENGEDAY launched the Matrix server in the environment of the
CORTEX IMPLANT instance. Yes, I know - Mastodon is not the center of the Fediverse. The server has the wonderful name
CYBERWA.RE and is now my new home. You can find me there under the usual (Edit: RIP :( )
Now I've always used
GOMUKS on my computer. It worked and served its purpose, but I also like to look around to see what else is out there. The only requirements for a Matrix client for me are: It should be terminal-based and reasonably pretty. After a short search I came across
IAMB was and is developed by Ulyssa Mello (M:
@ulyssa / G:
@ulyssa) and is the "Matrix Client for Vim addicts" - what more could I want? It looks good, works perfectly and has VIM keybindings. Another advantage: It is included in the NixOS packages and can easily be integrated into the configuration.nix.
0x02 - IAMB
There is hardly a tool that does not exist as a terminal tool with Vim key bindings.
IAMB also falls into this category. The tool is operated purely in the terminal and is operated in a typical Vim manner.
IAMB offers many Vim features (at least those that make sense here).
IAMB has various modes, the split view option and useful keyboard shortcuts to control
IAMB. When
IAMB is started, the welcome screen appears:
Before you start, you need to create a config.json for
IAMB. This goes in your
~/.config/iamb/ folder (which may also need to be created first). You build your Matrix account into the config:
"profiles": {
"yourdomain.nb": {
"url": "https://yourdomain.nb",
"user_id": ""
If you have the
config.json there,
IAMB will start with the login screen.
After logging in, you will finally see the start screen. From here, you can start using the tool in the typical Vim way. For example, you can open various splits here and search through your subscribed rooms. This way, you can create a wonderful dashboard that gives you an overview of all the rooms.
IAMB understands the following commands:
:create - create a room
:dms - Direct messages
:download - Download Attachments
:edit - Edit messages
:invite accept - Accept invite
:invite reject - Deny invite
:invite send - Send invite
:join - Enter Room
:members - Show Room Member
:open - Open Attachments
:react - React to post
:redact - Redact message
:reply - Answer
:rooms - Show all Rooms
:room name set - Change room name
:room tag set - Change tags for Room
:room topic - Change Theme for Rooms
:spaces - browsing Spaces
:unreact - undo reaction to message
:upload - upload Attachment
:verify - Verify Account
:welcome - show startscreen
This makes
IAMB very easy to use. But there are also additional commands (from Vim) that also work here:
:close - close window
:horizontal - new horizontal window
:leftabove - new fenster
:only - close all Tabs exept to selected
:quitall - close all windows
:quit - close window
:rightbelow - new window
:split - new split window
:tab - new Tab
:tabclose - close Tab
:tabedit - edit Tab
:tablast - go to last tab
:tabmove - move tab
:tabnext - next tab
:tabonly - close all tabs exept selected
:tabprevious - prev Tab
:tabrewind - go to first tab
:vertical - vertical split
:vsplit - vertical split
PEW! Now it's really fun. For regular use, that's more than enough for now. There are still a lot of features you can discover in
IAMB, but I'll leave that up to you.
Have fun with it.
Unfortunately, the instance broke and can no longer be saved. Nevertheless, a big thank you to
REVENGEDAY for the short but nice fun. Maybe I'll take a look at Synapse and build a
$NB Matrix server.