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The NERDBUDE, the CCH! and the DFK have been running on the NixOS server for quite some time now and are stable (assuming I don't mess anything up -.-). The last thing that was missing was the emails... and that cost me "some" time. That's why the update is only three months later - but the emails work now.

SNM - Simple NixOS Mailserver

Thanks to NixOS, there is a ready-made implementation of a mail server, namely SNM, the Simple NixOS Mailserver.
The SNM is completely integrated into the configuration.nix and configured via it.
The entire documentation and configuration is available at SNM - Simple NixOS Mailserver. There are a few simple steps to set up the server. The only requirements are a functioning web server with a public IP, a domain and the ability to store an rDNS record.
Let's get started.

1. DNS Record

First, a DNS A entry is created for the mail server. This means that the mail server can also be reached from outside:

NAME: mail.nerdbude.com
TTL: 10800
VALUE: deine-ip

Once the DNS entry is set up, you can use ping to test whether the DNS record is set correctly:

	  ping mail.nerdbude.com 
	  64 bytes from mail.nerdbude.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=21.3 ms

If that is successful, go to configuration.nix. This is where you enter the basic settings for the mail server.


Like pretty much everything, the mail server also goes into the central configuration.nix.

    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    imports = [
      (builtins.fetchTarball {
        url = "https://gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver/-/archive/A-COMMIT-ID/nixos-mailserver-A-COMMIT-ID.tar.gz";
        sha256 = "enter_hashvalue_here";
    mailserver = {
      enable = true;
      fqdn = "mail.nerdbude.com";
      domains = [ "nerdbude.com" ];
      loginAccounts = {
          "post@example.com" = {
              hashedPasswordFile = "/path/to/passwordfile";
              aliases = ["@example.com"];
      certificateScheme = 3;

It looks like a lot at first, but it's actually quite manageable. Let's take a look.
In the first block, we first define the source for all the required parts and verify everything with the hash value:

    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    imports = [
      (builtins.fetchTarball {
        url = "https://gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver/-/archive/A-COMMIT-ID/nixos-mailserver-A-COMMIT-ID.tar.gz";
        sha256 = "enter_hashvalue_here";

Then the mail server itself is configured:

    mailserver = {
      enable = true;
      fqdn = "mail.nerdbude.com";
      domains = [ "nerdbude.com" ];
      loginAccounts = {
          "post@nerdbude.com" = {
              hashedPasswordFile = "/path/to/passwordfile";
              aliases = ["@nerdbude.com"];
      certificateScheme = 3;

As a first step, we activate the mail server with enable = true;. Then the Full Qualified Domain Name, or FQDN for short, is configured. This is done using fqdn = "mail.nerdbude.com";. Here, the subdomain mail.nerdbude.com is defined as the address for the mail server. With domain we give the server the general domain name.
The next block takes care of the email addresses and aliases with which emails can be sent and received. In addition to the accounts or email addresses, the password file is also defined. The password file contains a hashed password that is later used to log in to the email address. The file can be generated quite easily with the following command:

    nix-shell -p mkpasswd --run 'mkpasswd -sm bcrypt > passwordfile

You will then be asked for a password. The password you enter is then hashed and written to the file "passwordfile". You can put the file anywhere on the server. The last entry certificateScheme = 3; regulates the SSL certificate for our mail server. Done.

Not quite. The mail server still needs an entry security.acme.certs because a contact person or an associated email address is required for the SSL certificate.

    security.acme.certs = {
      "mail.nerdbude.com".email = "post@nerdbude.com";

Now the CONFIGURATION.NIX can be rebuilt with nixos-rebuild switch. The whole thing should run through and build without any problems. At this point, at least on the NixOS Config side, everything is done. What is still missing now are the last DNS entries so that the mail server can find its place on the Internet.


First we set the MX record:

NAME: nerdbude.com
PRIO: 10
VALUE: mail.nerdbude.com

The next entry is the SPF record:

NAME: nerdbude.com
TTL: 10800
VALUE: v=spf1 a:mail.nerdbude.com -all

Then there is the DKIM signature and the DMARC record. The DKIM record looks like this:

NAME: mail._domainkey.nerdbude.com
TTL: 10800
VALUE: v=DKIM1; p=key

The key that goes into the value can be found under /var/dkim/nerdbude.com.mail.txt

Last but not least, the DMARC record:

NAME: _dmarc.nerdbude.com
TTL: 10800
VALUE: v=DMARC; p=none

That would actually be all done and emails should go in and out. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me.


The rebuild runs through and doesn't throw up any errors and of course you want to try straight away whether everything is working. So the whole thing goes into the mail client of least suspicion and is disappointed. The mail inbox works and mails come in. But when emails are supposed to go out, there's a problem. They don't go out. Unfortunately, journalctl -fu postfix spits out an SPF error, which made me look in that direction first. But that was the wrong direction, because the SPF failed because there was simply no reverse DNS entry or it was wrongly linked. So we go to the provider web interface and store an rDNS entry from the IP to the domain. BOOM! - The emails go out.


All in all, setting up the mail server is really simple. A few DNS entries and a few lines in the configuration.nix and your own mail server is up and running. This provides the basic infrastructure for the NERDBUDE, podcasts, etc. Now we move on to planning the backups and other gimmicks. Let's see what else comes of it.

[01] - Intro
[02] - Requirements
[03] - Webserver
[04] - Mailserver

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