I rarely, actually never, write about local things. The reason for that is that this city is as boring and grey as you can imagine, but something has to change here. For some time now I have been toying with the idea of how great it would be to have a hackspace on site that doesn't have a GmbH in the background (I wouldn't call it a hackspace either) or that simply doesn't produce any output. A meeting point for creative, technology-loving, open-minded people where projects can be launched, where you have the opportunity to meet like-minded people, organize events, impart knowledge, nerd out and all the subversiveness that lies in between. The "problem" with that - nobody does it.
But problems have never really stopped me from doing anything. So why not start a hackspace.
Current status: 0 :D
0x01 - LET'S GO!
All beginnings are difficult, but that is just an old saying that is worth questioning. Now the marketing appeal:
You come from Reutlingen or the surrounding area - know other hackspaces or want to get to know one - are interested in technology, events, tinkering or whatever.
Then get in touch:
I have no idea whether it will end up being a hackspace, but I want to give it a try.
So let's go!